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Relationship support

In a family with children, it is important that parents take care of their own well-being and the well-being of their relationship. However, a busy everyday life may mean that the parental relationship receives less attention.



There can be times in all relationships when disagreements and arguments become more common. Growing pains are part of a relationship. Sometimes, however, communication problems can pile up.

If you cannot resolve conflicts, you should seek help at an early stage. Relationship counselling can help solve problems in a relationship. Find out if your municipality’s family counselling services offer mediation or couples therapy. Read more about family centres on the Social services for families with children page.

In addition to municipalities, many NGOs and other organisations such as the The Church Family Counselling Centre offer help with relationship matters.

Contact your municipality’s social services for more information about the support and services available. The staff at maternity and child health clinics and those working in early childhood education and schools can also point you in the right direction.

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