All families need support sometimes
The website provides basic information on services for families with children in Finland in several languages. The website is aimed specifically at immigrant parents and professionals who work with them.
Society supports families in many ways, and help and support is available for a variety of situations in life. Help and advice can be sought from municipal services for children and families, non-governmental organisations as well as parishes and other religious organisations.

The rights of the child
All services for children and families are based on legislation. The Finnish law takes into account common, internationally agreed principles. The most important of these for children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Parenthood and relationship
Society provides guidance and counselling to families to support them in parenting, raising children and relationships.

Support for the everyday life
In Finland, society helps parents and children in a variety of ways. There are many services that are open to everyone, such as maternity and child health clinics and schools.

Social services
In Finland, everyone has the right to receive help if they need it. If the support that is available through the services open to everyone is not sufficient, social services and child welfare services can help.

Child welfare services
Often the fear that a child will be taken away is associated with child welfare services. In reality, the services always try to help a child so that they can live in their own home with family.

Real-life stories
All families need support sometimes. There are moments when problems and worries seem to grow very big, and it’s important to know that help is available. These real-life stories describe the kind of help and support child welfare services and organisations have provided for immigrant families.
There are many concepts associated with child welfare. The glossary explains what the most important terms mean.